Monday 16 December 2013

Pitching advice

In my last post I mentioned that I would be posting some links to blogs that offer advice for a first-time pitcher of a Trailstar.

Well today I'll share with you this post from Whiteburn's Wanderings. In the post he explains the  rationale behind his search for a  lightweight shelter,  as well as  penning a review based on more than 90 nights under his Trailstar.

Included in the post are some good photographs illustrating the pitching process. He also proposes a novel approach to attaching the  door pole guy line using a micro carabiner attached to an entirely separate piece of guy line equipped with a linelok. By simply reclipping the carabiner he avoids the somewhat irritating process of having to re-thread the lineloks if you choose to move the location of the door, due say to a change in wind direction.

This would never have occurred to me. Ever!

He also pays tribute to Colin Ibbotson's well regarded Trailstar Review (posted on Andy Howell's blog).  It's well worth the read if you have not already come across it.

These links should save a Trailstar novice some time on setting up guy lines (lengths cut to 60cm ALL round) and on pitching. Live and learn…… in theory at least!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you enjoyed, the post.
    Hope you enjoy your future TS adventures!
